Wintergatan Marble Machine
Word List
1 machine 2 Swedish 3 musician 4 vibraphone 5 instuments
muh-sheen swee-dish mu-zi-shun vi-bru-fone in-stru-ments
muh-sheen swee-dish mu-zi-shun vi-bru-fone in-stru-ments
6 beautifully 7 collecting 8 rerouting 9 although 10 complex
bue-ti-ful-ly kuh-lect-ing re-rout-ing all-tho com-plex
bue-ti-ful-ly kuh-lect-ing re-rout-ing all-tho com-plex
The Marble Machine is a handmade music box by Swedish musician Martin Molin. It powers a kick drum, bass, vibraphone and other instruments using a hand crank and 2,000 marbles. With dozens of beautifully carved wooden parts, tracks, pulleys and funnels for collecting and rerouting spent marbles, it's a true work of art. Although marble machines as an art form of their own have a long and complex history, Molin's is one of the best.
Related Videos
How it Works 1 |
How it Works 2 |